Signage and Brochures

Signage and brochures in your practice should be up-to-date and hospital-approved.

  • Remove outdated materials as soon as possible.
  • If your practice is experiencing issues that you would like to try resolving with extra or modified signage, please do not create or post “homemade” signs. Contact Ambulatory Management with an explanation of your issue, and we will help you source existing documents or partner with the appropriate departments (Infection Control, MGH Photography, etc.) to create approved new ones.
  • Refer to the table below for information on where and how to source signs and brochures.
    • If ordering from Allied or MGH Photography is specified, then the image linked in the table is low-resolution and intended as a preview only, and you should not print it yourself.
      • Email with print order details in the format below:
        • Document Name:
        • Contact:
        • Due Date:
        • Cost Center:
        • Size:
        • Quantity:
        • Media:
    • If it is specified that printing a file yourself is acceptable:
      • Use a color printer for any signs or brochures that contain color.
      • Use paper that is the correct size. Do not enlarge or shrink the file.
      • Do not use photocopies.

All links to “Allied” within this table lead to the page for The Allied Group’s Virtual Office, from which you can order printed materials. If you do not have an account with Allied, scroll to the Tools and Resources section below for tips on creating an account and placing orders.

(click links to view)



Where to Post

Where to Get

Laminated or cardstock

Required where applicable

On doors of ERI areas

Order from Allied, #90041

8.5×11″ sheet


In patient areas

Print from the file

Low-level disinfection signage:

8.5×11″ sheets

  • Product & Process sign required
  • Know Your Wet Times sign optional

In staff areas

Print from the files if you have a color printer; MGH Photography can also print these on vinyl, cardstock, copy paper, or laminated

Mass HIway consent form (this version live on 8/22/21):

8.5×11″ sheets


At front desk

Print from the files

Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) signage (“How your provider is working to improve your health care”):

  • Legal paper size (8.5×14″) sign
  • Two 8.5×11″ sheets

See ACO/MSSP Information for more about MSSP.


In waiting rooms

Mailed out to ambulatory practices; print files if more copies are needed

Notice of Privacy Practices:

Multiple 8.5×11″ pages

English and Spanish required; Portuguese optional

In waiting rooms, “prominently posted”

Print from the files or order from Allied:

  • English: #84290
  • Spanish: #84300
  • Portuguese: #89567

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

  • Legal paper size (8.5×14″) document folded into a brochure
  • 11×14″ or 11×17″ posters

Required (must have either brochures or both English and Spanish posters)

Posters in waiting rooms; brochures may be at front desk

Order from Allied:

  • Brochures: #82764
  • English: #84829
  • Spanish: #84830

Patient transparency signage and brochures

See Patient Transparency page for signage/brochures on primary care billing, split billing and urgent care billing (required in areas where they apply)

2′×3′ poster or 8.5×11″ sheet


In patient areas (waiting rooms, exam rooms)

Order from MGH Photography

Stop the Spread of Infection: English, Spanish or Chinese (latest versions are in IC signage lookbook)

2′×3′ poster, 11×17″ poster or 8.5×11″ sheet (Chinese version is 8.5×11″ only) 

English required; Spanish and Chinese optional

Posters at entrances (or, in Yawkey, use 8.5×11″ signs in insert holders by suite entrances); smaller signs at front desk if needed

Order from MGH Photography

Visitor Information (English and Spanish)

8.5×11″ sheet


In patient areas

Order from MGH Photography

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