Cancellation Reason Codes

Cancellation reason codes are extremely important to managing churn within the practice. When practices can see the reasons driving cancellations, understanding these can assist you in identifying gaps. Not only does documenting the suggested cancellation codes account for more accurate data, but the practice can accurately define what is going on with a particular patient.  Using the correct codes will have a direct impact on patient access.

There are seven codes that practices should be using:


When to Use

Code #


Appointment was made in error


Institution – Weather

The institution has indicated hospital operations may be affected by weather conditions


Patient – Personal

Patient canceled for personal reasons (if patient is deceased, use this code; specify in free text that patient was reported deceased and by whom)


Patient – Sought Care Elsewhere

Patient canceled due to choosing to receive care elsewhere


Patient – Weather

Patient canceled due to weather conditions


Provider – Personal

Provider canceled for personal reasons, including concern about weather conditions


Provider – Professional

Provider canceled for professional reasons, such as a conference or education


The process for selecting the right reason is as follows:

  1. Identify who or what is initiating the cancellation:
    1. Institution
    2. Patient
    3. Provider
  2. Type that into the cancellation reason field in Epic.
  3. Only choose from the list of those cancellation reasons.
  4. Do not choose either of the generic “Patient” or “Provider” codes.
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